Kate Orff is presenting at LAF’s 50th!

Jun 1, 2016

The New Landscape Declaration: A Summit on Landscape Architecture and the Future, presented by the Landscape Architecture Foundation (LAF) is not only about declaring bold statements around leadership and ideas for how landscape architecture can and will make evolving contributions to our world, but a celebration of the past 50 years of achievement. On June 10-11, 2016 at the University of Pennsylvaniain Philadelphia, LAF will celebrate their 50th Anniversary through a 2 day conference and dinner! The summit will critically reflect on what landscape architecture has achieved over the last 50 years and present bold ideas for how it will move into and shape the future.

Kate Orff is speaking about Activist Landscapes & Civic Stewardship alongside other prominent speakers and delegates in the fields of landscape architecture. In addition, building on this five decade long legacy, this one-time historic gathering will also honor a redrafting of the original 1966 Declaration of Concern.